G’day peoples,

First the big announcement:

I’m coming to the Netherlands 05-Oct until 23-Oct! So put it in your agenda if you wish to meet me. You can always contact me via email.

Second big announcement:

I finally submitted my masters research manuscript! It will be peer-reviewed for the coming months. I don’t know what my chances are of a publication so wait and see 😉

Work at uni going steadily. Nothing to do yet in the lab so i’m now concentrating on some theory fundamental to my upcoming research. It’s pretty unexplored territory, not even my supervisor/advisors know what result im supposed to get! :-O

ve volunteered for co-ordinating this years student fieldtrip to Kioloa at the coast and a destination unknown. When the trip is going to be is also unknown. September doesn’t seem like a good option this year and as you know in October i wont be there. No point worrying about this now though and even if i dont go i can still do the planning for it.

also launched a project in order to co-ordinate activities and events at RSES in the form of a google calendar that can be shared among friends. Credits go to Alwin for giving me this brilliant idea. So far 7 students have joined, mostly first years. I should send out another reminder because there are supposed to be heaps more grad students. Everyone can put events on the calendar but the project kinda fails if i’m the only contributor. New arrivals probably don’t yet arrange any (big) social events. This is kinda disappointing because RSES really needs more students to get involved in socializing. Even if it is just meeting each other at lunch time. The third years don’t really seem to care about anyone else except each other and are “too busy”. Only a handful of my year try to get some stuff going on and of course the first years are clueless of what is going on.

I feel i’m getting more and more drawn towards to people at RSBS (B = biological) where much more interesting things are happening and where I feel welcome. Last weekend I’ve been to a masquerade party with some of the people there. Needless to say it was a real blast! I’m also addicted to a pretty neat rpg computer game called The Witcher which I borrowed from a mate. 😛