The previous post was just a teaser of what is to come next 😉

So what’s been happening since? Lots! So here are a few highlights

1. I have new housemates. Yes, all fresh! One Mexican, one Romanian (who is never around) and one Chinese dude.

2. Research is going strong with the latest set of experiments now over. It had kept me awake at uni until past mid night for the whole week. Crazy!

3. I submitted a research proposal which is going to take me to the US at the University of Minnesota and Yale for rock deformation experiments (Aug ’09). Also I attached the latest Rheology, Deformation and Tectonics conference to it which is in Liverpool, UK this time (7-9 Sept).

4. I am organising for mid November a student field trip to Kioloa at the coast for a mini conference amongst the RSES and EMS students. Just for the weekend it is. Will be great!

5. I will go to Japan at the end of November for 5 days to attend the TANDEM (Toward formation of The Asian Network in Deep Earth
Mineralogy) workshop and present a poster. The city is called Matsuyama in the south. There will be time for sight seeing 😛

6. I set up a internal website at ANU for people who wish to learn and contribute to using LaTeX, a professional typesetting. It is sa-weet once you know how to use it, so much better than M$ Word. You can also create pdf presentations with it.

7. There have been a few house parties of course, including the latest one which was at my place to celebrate the birthdays of my Mexican housemate and a friend at RSES. Good times. You facebook people will probably have seen the photos by now 🙂

8. Im officially flying back to the Netherlands tomorrow for 3 weeks holidays and visit to Utrecht University. Can wait to see you people who have not yet abandoned that little country in the wide wide world!